Friday, January 23, 2009

My First Call

I just received my first call being the contact for the Land Department. There are only about 4 of us working today. Here's how it went:

Me: Land Department. This is Becky.
Caller: Hi, this is Jack, one of the estimators down on the 5th floor. Do you guys handle the land rights for Freemont at this office?
Me: Yes, we do.
Caller: Ok, great. I'm going to send a land request up to you.
Me: Ok.

I nailed it! Yesss! =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I passed!!

Ok, remember that blog I wrote back in October about me taking my LSIT exam? Well I finally got my results in the mail yesterday and I passed! I'm so excited! I can now list this on my resume, I believe I get a raise at work, and it also exempts me from taking another test at my work. Right now my title is Land Technician. The next step up is a Senior Land Technician, and to achieve this position, you have to pass the Senior Land Tech exam which has two parts to it. There is the management portion offered in October and the engineering portion offered in April. However, you don't have to take the engineering portion if you are an LSIT (Land Surveyor in Training), which I now am!

On the topic of moving up at work, I have other news. Not as big, but good to me. My immediate supervisor is our Lead Land Tech. He receives all the jobs coming in and assigns them to us Land Techs. He gets a lot of emails and phone calls about land rights as well. His job is very stressful, but important. When he is out of the office he has to leave a contact name for people to get ahold of. My boss just recently asked if I would be comfortable with our Lead leaving my name as a contact. I of course accepted, because I would like to learn as much as I can and move up in the company. It really flattered me that they have this much confidence in me already. I haven't been contacted by any customers yet, but I'm ready.

I also have good news about my Mary Kay career as well. This actually happened a couple months ago, but I haven't mentioned it yet. I have my first active team member, Leslie Tibbits, which makes me a Senior Consultant. God is blessing me in my career success, and I feel motivated to achieve the best I can.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Mary Kay Site

I got motivated today and just created my own personal Mary Kay website. Now my customers can order online, view discontinued products I have in stock, look up any other products, view special promotions I have going on, and even do a virtual makeover to see what makeup colors look good with your skin type.

Go ahead and check it out if you like. The web address is I'll add a link to it on this page as soon as I figure out how. FYI: I offer free shipping!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Move

What a busy weekend and week it's been. Last Saturday was the big move for Marisol and me. I figured I'd have everything moved on Saturday and have Sunday to clean out my old apartment. As is the case with most things, it lasted a lot longer than expected. My sweet friend, Sonia, was able to come help me Saturday morning. We loaded up as much as we could in our little cars and took it over to the new place two car loads at a time. Marisol and her brother were coming later with the U-Haul after moving her stuff. Fortunately, the new apartment is only down the street from my old one, so it wasn't too bad to make multiple trips. However, by the end of it, Sonia and I were about dead from weakness. She had to leave in the afternoon. Marisol and her brother ended up getting there at about 5pm with the U-Haul where we unloaded her stuff and continued to load up my furniture.

To make a long story short, I had to keep my apartment an extra day and I finally finished Monday night after work. There were many times I wanted to stop and rest, but I had to keep going. I've never had such a long-lasting workout before! My whole body was sore, but you should see my biceps now!

The good news is, this weekend we have four days off, so we have lots of time to unpack everything. Marisol has been out in the field all week and I've been trying to do a little bit each day after work, but it's still a jungle. I'm really excited to get all settled in! The apartment is awesome! I'll post pictures once it's all put together.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I've decided to take a vacation. Not right now, of course. As of August 11th, I will be able to start using my vacation days at work. My plan is to take a trip in September or October. I'm not sure exactly where I want to go yet, but I've been thinking Costa Rica. I want to go somewhere I can still have fun by myself, somewhere I can do a lot of activities and see amazing places. I've been doing some research, and Costa Rica seems beutiful and a great place for hiking, rafting, and other activities. And I might see monkeys;) Also, the flight is not that expensive because it's a lot closer than Australia or Europe... though those would be fun places too.

If you have any other ideas or suggestions of where I should take my "solocation," feel free to share. Or if you want to take a trip with me.......