Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's New

My surgery went well. My awesome parents came down to be there during the surgery and take care of me afterwards. Thanks Mom and Mark! It was really nice to have them here. I wasn't in too much pain, but I was taking my pain medication pretty religiously the first 5 days. I'm off it now and back at work this week and feeling pretty good. I go in to see the doctor again tomorrow and hopefully he will take the splint off my arm. It's even uglier than the cast I had on before. Then I believe he'll have me start physical therapy next week. Hopefully I'll be back playing volleyball by the fall. :)

On another note, I paid off my car this month! WOOHOO! I'm so excited about that. 4 years and 9 months ago I purchased a 2003 Ford Focus and it's finally all mine! What a great feeling. Now, of course, I want a new car, haha. But I'm going to put that off for a while. My car is just fine and I should take advantage of not having any car payment for a while.

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