Monday, June 22, 2009

Post Surgery

Today I started physical therapy and I got a new splint put on. I thought I'd put a picture up of my incision in case anyone wants to see it. It's about 4 inches long. I should get the stitches out on Wednesday. I realized when doing my exercises that I have very little range of motion. I could only bend my wrist down as far as 15 degrees and I can only touch my thumb to my index and middle fingers. I should get a lot of this movement back from doing the therapy, but the therapist said I probably won't have it 100% back for up to a year.


Julia said...

ouch... it hurts just looking at it...


Jessie said...

A whole year! Wow! No volleyball for you. That stinks!

Nice incision. I still have more scars than you... not that that's anything to brag about.

Did you tell them that your mean sister left you alone with her two monster boys & you had to change a stinky poopy diaper on a wiggly babe with your one good hand? As Eli would say, "Sorry bout dat."

Mom said...

My poor baby girl!!!