Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Mall Displays

While in Central America, I was kind of missing the beginning of the Christmas season, so I got excited when I saw any trace of Christmas. Marisol laughed at me because I'd squeal every time I saw a Christmas tree. We ended up going to a mall in each of the big cities we were in, and I just had to take a picture of the Christmas displays.
The first one was in Panama City. I thought I took a better picture of the Christmas displays here, but I lost some of my pictures from Panama, so this is the best I have.
These next two are from different malls in San Jose, Costa Rica.

The final one is from the mall in San Salvador.

1 comment:

Mom said...

What neat pictures, you should start a Christmas tree album/scrapbook of Christmas tree that you see, wouldn't that be neat!