Monday, October 4, 2010


I adopted a new kitty this weekend! She's 8 months old and her name was Raven. However, after some discussion with my co-workers today, I think I'm changing her name to Mayven. They thought I should change it and we thought it'd be cute to stick with the "M" names since I already have Marley. After throwing out a bunch of names, "Mayven" just kinda stuck with me, plus it still sounds like Raven.
I thought her and Marley could be playmates, however, right now they hate each other! You can't really tell it from this picture, but they're staring each other down and hissing at each other. I'm told it will take some time, though. She's also a little bit smaller than Marley even though they look the same here. I think she'll end up being bigger than Marley, though, since she's still a kitten right now.

Poor Marley. :( I think she's jealous.

They're doing a little better now. They get along when they keep a 6 foot separation. Any closer, and the hissing starts again.

I don't know why I insist of having black pets and white furniture, but they sure are cute, aren't they?

Here's a cute picture of Mayven.

Marley giving her death glare.


Mom said...

Cute, they look good with your decor!

Julia said...

Black cats are the best! :)

Jessie said...

I am biased to black AND WHITE cats, but yes, i think she's cute. :)