We are doing a gift exchange at work and I decided to get my person a wireless weather station. I found a cool one at REI that was within the budget, so after work on Friday I went to the REI in Concord to buy it. They were all out, but the salesman was able to look up the other stores and they had some in Berkeley, San Francisco, and Mountain View.
So, today I printed out directions to the Berkeley store and set out. It's about 25 miles from my place located on San Pablo Ave. The directions said to take the Gilman St exit, but I saw an exit for San Pablo and HWY 580 was starting to get backed up, so I took this exit. I was following the address numbers so I thought I was going to correct way. I ended up getting totally lost and found myself in Oakland somehow. After driving around in circles, I finally pulled over to look at my street atlas and find my way back to the freeway and follow my original directions. Here is the crazy route I ended up taking today.

As I was waiting there, I was reminded of the service at church last Sunday. It was about patience. During the service, I wasn't very impressed with it. I was hoping for him to talk more about God and read from the Bible. I believe he only referenced two quotes from the Bible. However, I realized that the way we act in society is important too. It reflects on our Christianity and the way we follow our Lord. I was surprisingly really patient with today's events. Reflecting on it, I could have been irritable and rude if I let those things bother me, but I wasn't. I hadn't thought much about these things. I guess that sermon must have got to me more than I thought. It also might have been that I was listening to Christmas music the whole time in my car. That always puts me in high spirits. =)
On my way home, I decided to reflect on all the positive things that happened today. So here they are:
1) I got to see some new places and got a better feel of the area around where I live.
2) I was able to buy the item I was looking for, and I was pretty happy with it.
3) REI was able to give me some moving boxes when I asked if they had any.
4) There's a tunnel (actually 3) between Walnut Creek and San Francisco. They open up the middle tunnel to whichever direction has busier traffic at the time. When I was heading west, the tunnel was open to the westbound traffic and when I was heading east, it was open to the eastbound. So I didn't have to hit very much traffic. (It gets backed up when the tunnel is closed)
How uplifting! :)
When it comes to impatience Jacey and I are very much alike... We both get cranky when we are hungry - and we want to eat RIGHT NOW!!!
Anyway - I'm glad your day worked out for good, even though you were driving in cirles hehe :)
Love you, Julia
"This is the day that the Lord had made, I will REJOICE and be glad in it."
I finally read this post. Sorry, I'm so behind in my 'blog readings'. And I haven't even made a post in a long time.
I hate getting lost like that. I probably wouldn't have been as patient as you. :) I hope your 'secret santa' enjoys the gift you got. You sure went to a lot of thought & trouble to get it!
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